Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Pictures with 2

Clearly, Evie was not amused that I wanted to take her picture before school.

Henry is more interested in the book than the camera!

That book was WAY more interesting than me. Firetrucks are fun!

"Sister, let's just get this over with so we can get back to the book."

Evie is not thrilled that Henry now grabs everything from her. She's really going to get mad once he starts moving.
Before Henry was born, I used to wonder why there were so few pictures of siblings together . . . as in the same picture. Well, I get it now that I have two kids of my own. It's nearly impossible!

1 comment:

  1. 1. evie's face is HILARIOUS in the first pic. she looks like a little teenager!
    2. how in the world is henry so big?! i feel like he's grown a ton the past few weeks!


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