Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Will it ever end Wednesday?

It has been a LONG week stuck inside with my rambunctious toddler. Evie needs to get out and about and I do too!

   I was so excited to see that my neighbor, Courtney, had left this morning so I called her to check on the roads. She slid a little in the neighborhood and recommended that we just stay put at home. Check out her new blog with lots of pictures of her sweet little boys that Evie adores!

Evie and I did really well together until 11:30 and by that point - we were DONE. Nothing I did made her happy and nothing she did made me happy. I put her down for her nap and she slept for 3 hours.

    I went out to get the mail and saw the SNOW PLOW!!! Of course that meant, it was time to get out as soon as Evie woke up from her nap. We headed to the mall for some pizza and to walk around a bit. Evie LOVED watching me have my eyebrows threaded. Have you tried this? I have waxed my brows for years since I have dark, coarse hair it is a necessity. Well, waxing is way more efficient and it's $8 dollars cheaper. It does hurt a little but it's still worth it. Imagine a piece of thread being rubbed across your brows and that's the general idea.

   Evie was thrilled to be out and about at the mall. Although, she kept chanting, "out, please, thank you" over and over as we walked the mall. She ate her pizza like a big girl and really enjoyed her Sierra Mist as a special treat. We stopped at Publix on the way home because we needed some milk and OJ. Evie was quite cooperative and even made her owl sounds when the cashier talked to her about the owls on her shirt.

    Evie was excited to see another birthday present waiting for her when she got home. The Andre's sent her pink Chuck Taylor's and a birthday wand. Evie wanted the shoes on her feet immediately and had a ball with the wand wrecking havoc on our kitchen. Doesn't she look like such a big girl? She will always be my baby girl but it's getting harder and harder to think of her as a baby.

   Carl had a dinner meeting so it was just us girls tonight. I give Carl lots of grief about making sure Evie is in bed by 7. Let me tell you it's hard to do that especially when it's just me. We really missed Carl tonight. He's way better at bedtime than me. Evie needed a snack of yogurt since we had an early dinner, then I had to pry her new shoes off her feet, she needed to find her blanket, the humidifier needed refilling and then the nightly saga of which books to read. I cannot believe it but we made it through the longest day we have had in a LONG time!


  1. Ned does highchair/hand cleaning after dinner and baths and we really miss him when he has meetings. Hoping tomorrow is a better day.

  2. Ugh, I know being stuck at home is so hard! David is much better at bedtime than me, too. Evie looks super cute in her new shoes! She'll really look like a big girl when the baby gets here - Aubrey GREW UP overnight when Jude was born!

  3. she looks SO cute in her shoes - love them!! i love the pictures of evie swinging the wand - she looks like she means business :)
    i know what you mean about being stuck inside with a "rambunctious" toddler....we're on DAY FOUR!!!! school has been cancelled all week, stores are closed, the roads are terrible, etc, etc. it does start to take a toll on you for sure! here's to sunny days ahead!! :)


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