Friday, June 1, 2012

Week in Review!

It's been a really good week! I loved having Carl home on Monday and it was great having my brother visit us too. Our week was the perfect balance of activity and home time.

Monday: We headed out to the pool before it got too hot for the kiddos. Evie tore up the bottom of her feet and was not particularly happy about it. Water shoes are a necessity for our next trip to the pool. Evie and Henry went down for naps and I got busy getting everything ready for our Memorial Day cook-out. We invited The C's and Onello families over for dinner. Our menu was simple grilled chicken, sweet and sour green beans, salad and hash brown casserole. Ice-cream cake for dessert. Can you tell that Henry enjoyed his dessert? He just had a tiny bit but it was a hit! Dinner was so much fun but mass chaos too. Seven kids changes everything but it was so good to hang out with everyone! We need to entertain more

Tuesday: Carl went back to work. We headed out to the mall with Ben for a quick return and some playtime. I took a little nap while the kids slept. Henry never sleeps for long but it was nice to close my eyes for a bit. We headed out to Chick fil a for dinner. It was kids night and Evie acquired a balloon flower. Henry went to bed and Evie stayed up to play with Ben.

Wednesday: Our best day of the week! I woke up before the kids and that always gets my day off to a better start. Evie was in a good mood and I had a chance to wake up before hitting the ground running. We went to Cheekwood to see the tree houses. After naps, we took Ben to the airport. Since we were already out, we went to Costco for some supplies. Evie was thrilled to see all the dress-up clothes and was so happy with her new pink tutu. That's $12 well spent. Henry ate his weight in raspberries and then went to bed early. He was exhausted from skipping his morning nap. Evie and I went outside for ice-cream and a bike ride.

Thursday: Evie locked everyone out of bathroom door which did not get the day off to a great start. Henry stayed home with his sitter and Evie went with me to select a birthday present for Henry. We met some friends for lunch at Blue Coast Burrito and did some window shopping in Lenox Village. Sweet Ce Ce's was our next stop for some frozen yogurt with extra cherries. We picked up some meat balls for dinner and then headed home. It's always fun to have special time with just Evie. She makes me smile and everything is an adventure with Evie along for the ride. Henry had a ball with Karen. She made my week by sweeping my dirty kitchen floor and unlocking the bathroom door. Henry napped and Evie had some quiet time since she slept late. I loaded everyone up to go work-out at the Y. Evie was so excited to go in the class and Henry was fine until they put him in the exersaucer. He did not like being trapped at all. I am not one that loves exercising but it was such a wonderful break from the kids that I might be able to convince myself to keep going. I love how I feel after a good workout and love the chance to catch up on some magazines. Carl got home shortly after dinner from Knoxville. I'm so glad that he is back!

Friday: We hung out at home all morning catching up on things around the house. Evie kept me company while I worked on some ironing. We went to pick up our groceries and dry cleaning. Both kids took good naps and then we went outside to play since it was nice and cool with a high of only 65. Evie and I ran sprints while Henry laughed from the swing. We put the kids to bed and then cooked some dinner. Carl headed across the street to hang out with Christian and I am heading to bed. Wild Friday night at the Niemeyer Nest


  1. haha...wild friday night at the tippins house, too! jeffrey is out of town golfing and the girls and i are staying with my parents :)
    i agree...working out at the gym is a nice break. i just keep running into the problem of wanting a shower when i get home and not having the chance to take one since both girls are hungry/tired/cranky/bored, etc by that time. i guess i could shower at the gym, but that just doesn't sound very fun either :)
    love henry's golf smock - i canNOT believe that y'all were shopping for a birthday present for him - wasn't he JUST born?!

  2. OMG in that first picture, Henry looks JUST like Evie!!! I love his smocked t shirt!! They are both so adorable!

  3. Oh my goodness, that first picture of Henry with his hair slicked back -- I can't handle the cute!

    I feel the exact same way about going to the gym. I'm not a fan of working out, but it so nice to have some alone time to just watch TV while I run. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who feels this way :)


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