Monday, November 2, 2009

Sunshine and Smiles!

What a beautiful day in Nashville - sunny, warm and with the beautiful colors of the leaves in the background! Evie did not get the message about the time change so she woke up at 6. She did sleep all night though so that made it okay. Perhaps if we leave her in the same bed for longer than a week she will sleep better. Evie has slept in more beds in the last 9 months than most children.

Evie and I went to Gymboree this morning. I have kept her away from other children for about a week because her nose has been so runny. Today, it was time to get out of the house. We both needed some interaction with others. Evie was so happy to get there. She seems to remember it now and loves to crawl in the teacher's lap to check on Gymbo. It's really cute! Our Tuesday class has changed times so now we are going on Mondays so Evie can still catch her nap. She really needs her nap and I need the time to get things done. It's impossible to get anything done while she is awake unless I am holding her. She discovered doors today and will spend 15 minutes opening and closing it. Evie is trying really hard to wave but right now it looks more like she is holding her hand up in your face. She's changing so fast right now and is really turning into a little girl. I can feel a tooth coming in on the bottom and a ridge on the top. Evie gets very upset if you put your fingers in her mouth. It has to be her idea for your fingers to go in her mouth!

We met Carol and Cassidy at the Frisky Berry for an afternoon treat. It was great to see them. Carl left for North Carolina today so it's just me and Evie here for a few days. We are already ready for him to come back!

Evie explored some more new food today. She tried grapes, steamed carrots and a bagel with hummus. Everything was a hit! Carol told me that her pediatrican thinks that peanut butter is fine for babies. She thinks avoiding peanut butter is what has caused all of the allergies. Interesting information and it certainly makes sense. I am not planning to give Evie any yet but will certainly research this topic. We are going to try to find a new pediatrican soon so this will be one of my very first questions. One that does not make feel nuts for bringing my baby in the office. Pediatricians should realize that mothers worry about their babies. I think that mothers worry about their babies even when they are all grown up!

1 comment:

  1. I worry about my children all of the time!! It is a weighty responsibility to raise a little life! We introduced peanut butter on the children's first birthday & have never had any problems. It is strange that there are so many severe pb alleriges now! Let us know what you learn.


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