Monday, October 25, 2010

Playdates and Leaf Pickup

Evie and I went to a play date this morning. It was wild! The funniest part was that every single kid screamed or cried at some point during the play date. Another mom and I were chatting about how this is not what we imagined motherhood to be like before we were mothers. Evie had a blast!

     We ran a few errands after nap time and then Evie helped her Daddy rake the leaves. She is such a big helper and is so proud of herself when she is able to complete a chore.

   I have spent the entire day doing laundry. Where does it come from? Hope you had a good Monday!


  1. Evie looks darling in her little costume!

  2. What a sweet little costume! I can't get over how grown Evie is looking these days. I know it's coming in our house too and I keep trying to put on the brakes!


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