Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Evie calling Nana on her "Nana phone."

Henry taking another snooze in his swing!

Evie is so proud to be a big sister. She told another little girl this morning to "back up, that my Henry" when she thought that the child was a bit too close to her brother. I was glad she did it because the mom did not even notice!

Henry is thinking, "Are you sure this is such a good idea?" He looks like he is 6 months old these days.

A rare picture of me with both of my sweet children! I love them to the moon and back!

Daddy with his two favorite kiddos. He is a fabulous Daddy!

Evie was helping Carl give Henry a bath. She got so wet that we decided just to put her in there too.
Now, that's more like it Evie.


  1. I thought we were the only people who didn't use an infant tub/seat to bath the baby. We borrowed one with AP and Peyton convinced me not to get one this time. It is nice not having to store it! And I can't believe how long Evie's hair is!

    Also, I've been meaning to email you. I got these MIRACLE pills called Pancreatin. You take two with a meal and you can have dairy. It makes it digest way faster. I'm not promising it will work, but it's been amazing for me!


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