Sunday, October 18, 2009

9 Month Pictures!

We woke up to sunshine! Evie woke up around 8 so we had plenty of time to prepare for her 9 month pictures with Lindsey. She did not have a nap so we were a little worried but she did fabulous! We are so proud of her and cannot wait to see the proofs.

Evie took a nap after her picture so we had a chance to take care of some things around the house. We had to move some stuff in the garage because we have termites! Not fun but it's part of having a house. Our neighbor had them so I think they decided to come check out our house. Termite man is coming in the morning to take care of business.

Carl decided to leave later this week so we went to Jetton Park for a walk this afternoon. It was a crisp, cool day and it was beautiful to see all the leaves. Evie loves to be outside and even though her hands were cold she had fun. All of the cold, made us decide soup would be good for dinner. We went to the Fresh Market to get soup and yeast herb rolls.
It was a great day - one of our very last in Charlotte which is bittersweet for us. It seems like we just moved here in some ways and then I feel like we have always lived here too. It's hard to remember our life before Evie and now she is our life.

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