Friday, August 28, 2009

You can lead a horse to water but you can't make her drink!

Evie and I were supposed to go to a Snugglebug storytime at the library. It's just for babies but Evie was too tired to go. I guess the rain made her sleepy because she was not up from her nap in time to go. Guess who does not want her Sippy cup: Evie. I found another baby, Tess, who does not like bottles either. That 2-4% is getting bigger every day. I give her a Sippy everyday so eventually she will get it. We did not try our Dixie cup method today. The thought of it exhausted me. We went to a consignment sale this morning at a local church! It was packed! Evie loves to be out and about. She looked at some other people her size and played with some toys.

Advice for consignment sales:

1) DO NOT take your baby with you. Although, Evie was great, it was a lot harder to pick through the items. Also, strollers take up a lot of space and you are constantly apologizing to people for running into them. We ran into our friends Carol and Cassidy there. Cassidy has a Raffi just like Evie. Cassidy's grandmother was at the sale and she was pushing Cassidy around so Carol could shop!

2) Have an idea what you are looking for before you get there so you do not have to rummage through everything there. Think about what type of prices you are willing to pay because some things are not deals! I was looking for sleep books (imagine that), pj's and a smocked dress for the holidays. I found all of these items but decided not to get the dress. So the costume was a bonus.

3) Inspect everything carefully before you purchase. I found some damage on the dress that I liked so it was not a good purchase.

4) Take something with you to hold your treasures in such as a cloth shopping bag or a laundry basket. Cash is best but some sales take checks. Today's sale did not take credit because everyone here is a Dave Ramsey fan and he does not promote using credit. I will post about him another day but trust me people treat him like a celebrity.

Evie picked out a bead toy and did not want to let go. She was very upset when the lady took it from her to get the price. Luckily, she got over it quickly. She LOVES her new toy and it has already entertained her much of the day. A great purchase for $3! I also got Evie a precious Halloween costume. She's going to be something orange, round and with a green leaf on her head. Yes, Evie is going to be a fluffy pumpkin. We tried it on her tonight and she looks adorable.

Evie and I had a great afternoon playing outside and enjoying the sunshine. Evie is starting to like her Sassy seat a little more and she sat there while I snapped green beans. She thought that was very interesting! We are looking forward to a weekend in Nashville - no traveling!

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