Saturday, June 13, 2009

There's No Place Like Home

We are all so happy to be at home. Our house feels like a palace after a week in a hotel. Evie was up all night. She would scream her little heart out and then as soon as we'd go in to check on her - she'd flash a big gummy grin! We really need to work at getting her back on a schedule but it is so difficult when we are never home for long periods of time.

Evie was fabulous on the way back yesterday! She loves to ride in the car . . . it's a good thing since she spends so much time there. We stopped in Knoxville to see Carl's childhood home . . . well one of them. He lived in Knoxville for about a year while in the fourth grade. What would we do without a GPS? It led us right to his street. Carl said the neighborhood has changed a lot since he was last there. Here's a picture for posterity!

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